You Want More Sex, More Women? Become A Single Dad!

by Unknown , at 01:16 , have 0 comments

baby daddy
Being a single dad is not for the faint-hearted, the heart breakers or the players. It is for grown ass men who understand what responsibility and love are. It might have been pretty easy to knock a woman up but it gets darn serious when your baby takes its first breath and you become saddled with the responsibility of parenting.
We’re talking about diapers, sleepless nights, visits to the ER, school fees, and a list of other duties that don’t end until you die. Your life is literally snatched from you the day your baby is born and you never get to recover it. You simply learn to re-invent yourself and become a new being, growing and learning alongside your child. That is why in Africa, a parent loses their name and becomes Papa so and so and Mama so and so. Very apt.
single dad
Now, some people are lucky to have their better halves with them to raise their kids together. While others are blessed to do it all alone. It becomes more difficult if you’re a man and you have to become both mom and dad for your little one. This automatically means no guys night out, very few or nil dates and basically no time for yourself. If you want to be a good father, that is.
You put in your entire time, savings and devotion in your child and this actually builds something in you that makes you attractive to the female folk. It’s not the same as being a single mother. The society is less judgmental towards you and you don’t have this desperate need to find a spouse just because you are considered to be out of the market. In fact for being a single dad, your market has just opened and you find that you have become more eligible to be bedded, dated and wedded than any other guy out there.

Here are the reasons why women will want to have more sex with and date you.
1. You understand your role as a leader and role model. Leadership qualities in men turn women on. And these are most seen in single fathers.
2. You value character and commitment over shallower qualities. A single father is committed to his child, this invariable means you keep your promises and you’ll always be there for those you cherish. Women are attracted to this.
3. You are playful and have a great sense of humor. To be a great father you have to be childlike, let go and take a joke at your own expense. Single dads don’t just overdose on chill pills, they are chill pills. And what woman doesn’t want a man that will ease the stress off her shoulders?

4. You are protective and think of the safety of your loved ones first. Growing up with my dad, I remember how every night, he’d come into our rooms to be sure the fan is not too high or we were sleeping well or we have locked the backdoor properly. He was our guardian angel. Single dads are all their children have in terms of protection, and protection is an important factor for women looking for a man to love whether for just a night, a few days or for a lifetime.
5. You’re emotionally mature. A single dad is not allowed to be emotionally deficient because he already has someone filling up that position in his life already. He has to step up in emotional maturity and find a balance when tackling both motherly and fatherly roles. Hence, he is more sensitive and stable with his feelings and this is a plus for him when it comes to women. A man who can put his shit together at all times will never run out of dates.
6. You love kids. You’re good with them. Women naturally have baby blues whether they are mothers already or are yet to conceive. Hence you become a chick magnet when spotted with a child. The moment they see you and your kid(s) together, the first expression is “awwww, aren’t they so cute together?” Well, you know what will happen next.
7. You attract help. Women always want to help out a single dad with chores and childcare. “Can i cook for you?” “let me help you braid your daughter’s hair” “is it okay if i do your laundry?” You can never run out of help once you have a kid with you.
8. You are patient. Try helping a child in kindergarten with their homework and have your first taste of what patience means or try babysitting a two year old who is pumped with sugar. Single dads who can go through these phases and still come out smiling can face anything with a woman. Ladies know this and they want a man who can comfortably handle them.
9. You are gentle. It started from the day you were handed your newborn and you panicked over how you would carry the fragile soul but somehow you managed through it. Days, weeks and months later, you have become conversant with doing things gently. Your rough manly nature is toned down and you develop tender and caring hands. Now,what woman doesn’t want those hands to handle her?
10. You can keep house. Yes, single dads learn how to take care of a home. For a woman, it’s a sign that he won’t be so difficult and demanding to live with. He already understand the stress that comes with housekeeping and will appreciate every effort she makes if they eventually move in together or get married, and will be hands-on with house chores.
11. You’re unavailable. The fact that you have a little one to care for makes you unavailable and this, in turn, makes you attractive to women. You pose as a challenge to them and trust me, women love the chase as much as the men do.
12. You are married but without the ring. We all know how attractive married men are to single women. Now imagine a man who possesses same qualities as a married man but is not bound to any woman. The possibilities are endless!

What I’m trying to say here is that it is not a bad thing to be a single dad at all. Once you can put your act together, ladies will flock to you like moths to a flame.
Do you believe this is true? As compared to single mothers and baby mamas, do single dads have it easy?
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You Want More Sex, More Women? Become A Single Dad!
You Want More Sex, More Women? Become A Single Dad! - written by Unknown , published at 01:16 . And have 0 comments
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